Saturday 16 November 2013

Preparation, preparation, preparation...

So, the time is nearly here to start the adventure. I’m not sure where the past few months have gone. It seems not that long ago that I started allowing my daydreams to find their own shape, and now they are fully fledged plans about to take on their own reality.
The panic is starting to set in that I haven’t got everything I need ready, or I won’t be able to find my toothbrush, or any other last minute emergency. I think that my mind has raced through every single worst case scenario ever imagined. Even my dreams are getting in on the action… Dad and I in the airport collectively losing passport, wallet and phone. Maybe if I get the bad things out of the way in my sleep they won’t happen in reality.
The preparation seems neverending at present. I have half a mind to just take my toothbrush, ipod, passport and coat and just get on the plane to see what happens! My backpack is looking at me from the corner of the room daring me to start shoving stuff inside it. I have mental lists of what to take, but haven’t mustered the strength to see how much of that I can actually fit in.
Hmm, maybe tomorrow will be the practice run. Let’s do this!

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